From Our Good Ideas from All Over Department: Empty Dorms

Inside Higher Ed today pointed me to an article in the Denver Post (excerpt):  

Since the University of Colorado‘s Boulder and Colorado Springs campuses began segregating dorms for students with valid concealed-carry permits this year, not a single student has asked to live where guns are allowed. On Aug. 16, CU announced that both campuses would establish a residential area for students over age 21 with a permit to hold a concealed handgun. In all other dormitories, guns are banned. “So far, no one has moved,” CU spokesman Ken McConnellogue said… 

Such a surprise that no one wants to live there. Surely someone will want to give it a shot.

Quick Action for Dumb Questions at U of Colorado?

According to the chancellor of the U of Colorado, faculty may not shut down a class just because a student is carrying a gun.  So reports Inside Higher Ed today:

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that students with concealed carry permits could bring handguns to university classrooms. …(T)his week, Jerry Peterson, a professor of physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder and chair of the Boulder Faculty Assembly, said he would cancel classes if he found that someone had brought a firearm to class… (But) Philip P. DiStefano, the chancellor at UC-Boulder, sent out an e-mail Tuesday to faculty members that they could not shut down a class if a student with a concealed carry permit brought a gun…
On the other hand, faculty could presumably also carry a gun and if someone asked a really dumb question: