Let he who is without Zinn…

Daniels cast the first stone and now he is being castigated.

From Inside Higher Ed today comes this story of activities at Purdue:

This summer, the Associated Press revealed that Mitch Daniels, while governor of Indiana, tried to discourage the use of the books of the late Howard Zinn, a leftist historian, in the state. In a new effort to defend Zinn’s legacy, scholars have announced plans for a “read in” of Zinn’s work, to take place at Purdue University, where Daniels is now the president…

Full story at:http://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2013/09/17/plan-honor-howard-zinn-purdue-university

Bad Timing for UC Prez Nominee?

Inside Higher Ed today is running a lengthy story about how former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels – now president of Purdue – intervened to block use of a history book in public higher ed institutions in his state.  Excerpt below:

Mitch Daniels, as an unconventional choice to become Purdue University’s president, has repeatedly pledged his strong commitment to academic freedom. And many professors — including some who had questioned the wisdom of appointing a governor as university president — have given him high marks for the start of his work at Purdue. But on Monday, the Associated Press published an article based on e-mail records it obtained under Indiana’s open records laws. Those e-mail records showed Daniels, while governor of Indiana, asking that no public universities teach the work of Howard Zinn, seeking a statewide investigation into “what is credit-worthy” to see that similar works were not being taught for credit, and considering ways to cut state funds to a program led by a professor who had criticized him…

Some of the criticism of the nomination of Janet Napolitano, a former governor, has been answered by pointing to similar appointments at other institutions and Mitch Daniels is usually one of the examples.  Now that example doesn’t look so good.