Happy Birthday, Susan!
The Faculty Association at UCLA offers its birthday greetings to its Executive Director, Susan Gallick.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjF1bG5LUcs&w=320&h=195]
The Faculty Association at UCLA offers its birthday greetings to its Executive Director, Susan Gallick.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjF1bG5LUcs&w=320&h=195]
As we do each quarter, the blogs from the second quarter is now available as an online “book.” In that format, you can flip through the pages. However, video and audio links are not available and do not appear.The link to the alternative is at: Open publication – Free publishing – More ucla
If you have tried recently to get on to the website maintained by the Faculty Association at UCLA – www.uclafaculty.org, you will have gotten some kind of error message. The problem will be corrected but it may take a few days. The prior hosting entity of the website is now defunct and a new one will be found. In the meantime:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbg7YoXiKn0&w=320&h=195]
UCLA faculty members can find out about joining the Faculty Association – which sponsors this blog – at http://www.uclafaculty.org.
The Faculty Association at UCLA is the sponsor of this blog. UCLA Academic Senate members are invited to join the Association. For information on the Association, go to http://www.uclafaculty.org/FASite/Home.html To become a member, go to http://www.uclafaculty.org/FASite/Join.html for an application.
As we do early in each quarter, we make the prior quarter’s blog posts available in pdf format. Of course, in pdf format, there are no audios and videos. For those, you have to scroll back in the blog to the entry of interest. However, the pdf format contains a table of contents that might be useful in finding a particular posting. For the pdf reader, go to: Open publication – Free publishing – More ucla Or go to the link athttp://issuu.com/danieljbmitchell/docs/ucla_faculty_association__1-1-12_-_3-31-12?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222
You can join the UCLA Faculty Association! http://www.uclafaculty.org/FASite/Join.html or http://www.uclafaculty.org/FASite/Join_files/FAApplication.pdf
If you are a reader of this blog and a UCLA faculty member, consider joining our sponsoring organization, the Faculty Association at UCLA. An application with further information is at http://www.uclafaculty.org/FASite/Join.html.