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Post-Employment Benefits Task Force Report Now Available Including Academic Senate Dissent

The long-awaited (long delayed?) Post-Employment Benefits Task Force report is now available. (See the earlier posting of a letter from President Yudof anticipating the report’s release.) The report – which is advisory to the president and regents – includes two-tier retirement options for new hires. There is also a “choice” option for current employees to enter the lower-tier (which raises some legal issues). A dissenting report by Academic Senate representatives is also included in the posting. All material can be found at

California Back to IOUs

The California state budget crisis and impasse has triggered a repeat of the issuing of a form of IOUs rather than cash to certain state providers. As a previous post noted, the legislature – by retiming tax withholding – was able to bring in enough cash to stave off the need for IOUs over the past few weeks. But now that temporary remedy is running its course and the state – rather than literally running out of cash – is beginning to ration resources. The “registered warrant” form of IOUs – shown in the picture – is still not slated…

University of California Scientists won’t be boycotting Nature

Note: See the earlier post on this matter. Aug. 27, 2010, USA Today By Ben Ailes It appears the University of California is no longer contemplating a boycott of the esteemed science journal Nature. In a statement released Wednesday by the University of California and Nature Publishing Group, the entities announced “an agreement to work together to address the current licensing challenges as well as the larger issues of sustainability in the scholarly communication process.” This June there had been rumblings that the massive university system might consider a publishing boycott if Nature’s proposed hike in prices — as much…

More Good PR for UC

August 26, 2010, NY Times Bay Area edition University to Manage Home Costs of PresidentBy STEVE FAINARU The University of California has appointed an official to manage spending and operations at President Mark G. Yudof’s new private residence, after Mr. Yudof ran up nearly $700,000 in expenses and involved senior university officials in time-consuming personal matters over a rented mansion in the Oakland Hills. University officials said the action was necessary because of a lack of oversight and accountability during Mr. Yudof’s two-year stay at the Oakland property. The announcement came after The Bay Citizen disclosed the costly housing ordeal…

What Happens When The Rhetoric Shifts from Top University to Top PUBLIC University

We can debate the factors in the rankings. But aspirations matter. Top university or top public university? Just an observation for California officials, voters, and UC administrators. The article is at,0,1956749.story

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Ongoing CalPERS Scandals Make It Tougher for UC

UC’s pension plan has nothing to do with CalPERS. But CalPERS has had a series of scandals involving conflict of interest, bribery, and bad investments that tend to tar all public pensions in California including ours. CalPERS’ ongoing problems will complicate UC’s efforts to resolve its own pension unfunded liability. Continued unraveling of CalPERS scandals increases the chances that UC will be dragged into some statewide reform for all public pensions. The latest CalPERS scandal is reported today: CalPERS investment officer linked to bribery scandal resigns Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, Sacramento Bee (Excerpt) A senior CalPERS investment officer resigned today…

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Letter from President Yudof regarding proposed changes to UC retirement benefits

The following letter about the impending recommendations of the Post-Employment Benefits Task Force was emailed today. It is reproduced below for anyone who may not have received the email and to provide a continuing source of the text. Some parts have been put in bold in the reproduction below.=================== UCOP NewsSent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:23 AM To: UCOP-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU Subject: A letter from President Yudof regarding proposed changes to UC retirement benefits Importance: High MEMBERS, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY Dear Colleagues: I am writing to let you know that within the next few days, the Task Force on Post-Employment Benefits…

Gubernatorial Race: Who’s Up? Who’s Down?

An interesting item below posted on the LA Weekly website: Schwarzenegger Predicts Victory For Jerry Brown? By Gene Maddaus, Informer Blog/LA Weekly published: Wed., Aug. 25 2010 @ 12:34PM ​So Patricia Sellers is an editor-at-large at Fortune, and as such she hangs out in L.A. restaurants where you might just happen to run into people like Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Upon bumping into Schwarzenegger on Monday at Le Pain Quotidien, Sellers asked the governor what he thought of Meg Whitman, about whom she wrote a profile last year. The governor’s answer was off the record, but it’s clear…

More on Online Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed alert points to “iTunes University” downloading from an Apple press release: Excerpt from release: iTunes U Downloads Top 300 Million CUPERTINO, California—August 24, 2010—In just over three years, iTunes® U downloads have topped 300 million and it has become one of the world’s most popular online educational catalogs. Over 800 universities throughout the world have active iTunes U sites, and nearly half of these institutions distribute their content publicly on the iTunes Store®. New content has just been added from universities in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico and Singapore, and iTunes users now have access to over…

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Robbed Blind: Governor is Heating Up Verbal Campaign on Public Pensions

The rhetoric around public pensions in California is heating up, as the excerpt below from a longer piece at suggests. As indicated in my previous posts on this issue, all of this rhetoric on pensions points to the need for a Regental plan for UCRS to be in place before the next governor takes over. But, of course, it matters what this plan will be. Note that the 1999 law which the governor decries below did not deal with UC’s pension. So we are potentially being pulled into a CalPERS issue. —————- Budget +55: “Robbed Blind” August 24, 2010,…