An Open Letter to Richard C. Blum, Chair, and all Members of the UC Board of Regents

June 17, 2009

From Professor Dwight Read, Chair, UCLA Faculty Association

Professor Warren Gold, Chair, UCSF Faculty Association

Professor Ian Kennedy, Chair, Davis Faculty Association

Professor Dale Seborg, Chair, UCSB Faculty Association


Q&A with Dwight Read, Chair, UCLA FA about the Open Letter


Media Coverage:

San Francisco Chronicle, June 19, 2009, Front Page

Associated Press, June 19, 2009

“U.C. Faculty Blasts Regents Over Budget Crisis”

Berkeley Daily Californian, June 26, 2009

“Faculty Decries Regents’ Handling of Budget Crisis

A Letter to the UC Regents: June 22, 2009

Resume Contributions to UCRP