May Revise Tomorrow

Word has it that the governor will release his “May Revise” proposal for the state budget tomorrow (on Tuesday).  It is a tradition that the governor presents a revision of his constitutionally-mandated January state budget proposal about this time of the year.  The revised budget typically reflects both updated economic, revenue, and expenditure information and a political reading of what is feasible.  Tradition also has it that outlines of the budget are leaked in advance.  The leaks, as far as UC is concerned, is that there will be a contingent budget for UC linked to performance of various goals.  Note that the Regents are also meeting this week on Wednesday and Thursday, i.e., after the May Revise is unveiled.  So a) the governor can attend the Regents meeting without a conflict with his budget announcement and b) the Regents can react to the budget, possibly with the governor in the room.

The only thing on the governor’s website today about the budget is this general statement that has been there since he was elected:

Budget: The Governor must be ready to stand against the crowd to lead a broken legislature out of a morass of poisonous partisanship. It will take old fashioned hard work, patience, and a keen understanding of the process.

What will the detailed budget be?  What might the Regents say about the budget?

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