Magical Thinking on Online Higher Ed to Spread to Legislature

From the Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert blog we learn that legislative Democrats are going to be educated on online higher ed: (excerpt)

Senate Democrats will be gathering for a policy retreat at the Stanford Mansion today…  Democrats will be mapping strategy for the year ahead, and Capitol Alert has learned that online education guru Sal Kahn will be speaking. Kahn’s presence underscores the serious attention online education has been getting, including from Gov. Jerry Brown and Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, as a way to educate more students for less. The University of California regents have lent their support to the idea as Brown pushes the university system to find ways to lower costs…

Full article at

Here – for the umpteenth time – is the problem.  The governor says that the state doesn’t have the money UC says it needs and doesn’t want tuition to rise.  His only solution is “online education.” Sal Kahn runs a business that pushes online ed.  Yes, it’s a nonprofit but when you go on its website, none of the folks involved look like they are wondering where their next meal will come from.  So he isn’t going to tell legislators that while online ed will undoubtedly be used more over time, it isn’t a budget solution  for UC.

Actually, we have some advance audio of the event:

Read more here:

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