Push to Freeze Tuition in Legislature (That Isn’t Likely to be Enacted)

From the Ventura County Star:

Republicans in the state Legislature have proposed freezing tuition at California’s public universities and community colleges for the next seven years. The legislation, which was introduced this week before the governor announced his budget, also would increase funding to California State University, the University of California and community colleges so they don’t have to charge more to make ends meet. But it doesn’t give any specifics on how to do that… The bill originally would have penalized the UC system if it raised tuition by decreasing state funding… But (the bill’s author) said he removed that part to give the bill broader appeal…

Republicans are now marginalized in the legislature so this bill is unlikely to be enacted.  Since UC said it would not raise tuition next year (see an earlier post), the chance that some Democratic version would be enacted and signed by the governor is also reduced.
Still, there is some political appeal to a freeze so the issue should be watched.  And today’s weather is particularly cold up in Sacramento (31 degrees F at the time of this posting according to weather.com):
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M7IKChInd8?feature=player_detailpage]

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