No End in Sight (for tuition increases)

UC leaders: Tuition hikes nearly inevitable (excerpt)

Matt Krupnick, Contra Costa Times, 5/18/11

The University of California may charge higher tuition each of the next five years even if the state stops cutting its budget, UC leaders said Wednesday. Administrators presented four budget scenarios Wednesday to help the Board of Regents plan future budgets. Under the rosiest scenario — which is unlikely, given the state’s financial crisis — UC would raise tuition 8 percent per year, starting in 2012…

Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed $500 million cuts to both the 10-campus UC and 23-campus California State University systems, and the cuts could rise to $1 billion each unless the state’s budget deficit is solved in the next few months. “Believe it or not, these are the most comforting scenarios,” UC President Mark Yudof told regents Wednesday at their meeting at UC San Francisco. “The numbers are very scary once we go beyond this.”

Full article at

Note: We now routinely request the recordings of Regents meetings since yours truly cannot always be around to record the live stream. When we get the recording of the meeting described above, we will post it.

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