Change in Direction: Prop 38 Supporter Stops Anti-Prop 30 TV Ads

As readers of this blog will know, Prop 38 (the Molly Munger school tax) and Prop 30 (the governor’s tax – endorsed by the UC Regents) are in somewhat of a face-off. Although if both passed, the one with the most votes would probably go into effect, that outcome seems unlikely. Prop 38 has polled poorly whereas Prop 30 has been marginally ahead. So the more likely outcomes are 1) Prop 30 passes and Prop 38 fails or 2) both fail.  If we get #2, there will be trigger cuts including $250 million for UC and tuition increases.  If we get #1, the trigger cuts are avoided.

Since Munger is self funding the 38 campaign and seems to be willing to continue spending large sums, despite the polls, the main thing Prop 38 might do is undermine Prop 30’s chances.  Up to now, Munger has funded a pro-38/anti-30 TV ad which you can see below:

Apparently, there was enough of an outcry from K-12 supporters to persuade Munger to drop that ad and substitute another which touts 38 without attacking 30.  You can see that one below:

Various news stories have pointed to this change in approach.  For example:

Meanwhile, Gov. Brown is making a college tour  to promote Prop 30 among student voters which apparently includes a meeting with the editors of the Daily Bruin today.  See:

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