More Sausage, Sacramento Style

A couple of days ago, we provided some insights into the sausage making of a bill in the legislature that would lower tuition with revenue from closing a corporate tax loophole.

Today’s LA Times carries an interesting article on the sausage making process behind the governor’s tax initiative on the November ballot, the initiative the Regents have endorsed.

Basically, the article looks at the sources of funding for the campaign.  The theme is that various large firms in industries that might be hit by proposals for specific taxes (such as oil, liquor, and soft drinks) if the initiative doesn’t pass and the state continues its budget crisis preferred a tax proposal that relied on general taxation.  Prop 30 – the initiative in question – involves increases in income and sales taxes.  Other firms have interests in Sacramento and it never hurts to be nice to the powers-that-be.

The article also notes something that we have also posted about: the large funding advantage so far that the “pro” side has so fare relative to the “con” side.

The article is at:,0,684082.story

As more sausages are made in Sacramento, we will continue to post about them:

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