CSU Offers Negotiating 101: Maybe UC Should Enroll

President Yudof gave assurance in advance of the event that if the legislative “trigger” is pulled – and cuts are therefore made in the UC budget – there won’t be a midyear tuition increase. Some might see this assurance as an invitation to be shot.

President Yudof is apparently going to offer the Regents a budget plan for next year with the assurance that if the state grants it as proposed, there will be no tuition increase next year. He does not say what will happen to tuition if the budget plan (and the increase contained in it relative to this year) is not approved.

CSU seems to be taking a different approach. It is following an “if-then” strategy, according to the LA Times this morning:

California State University students could see tuition rise 9% next fall unless the state boosts funding to cover enrollment growth, urgent maintenance, student services and other costs, officials said Wednesday…

Full article at http://www.latimes.com/news/local/education/la-me-calstate-tuition-20111110,0,200187.story

As it happens, we do have a lesson from Negotiating 101:

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